The fiftieth day of the year, last day of Doriv. 7909

Dear reader, you must understand that this is no ordinary journal. In the folowing days, months, or even years I will be researching the unknown. The beauteous creatures of land that have not yet been discovered or have yet to be reserched will be researched by me. From the monstrocities in the depths of the oceans, to the beasts of the forests. I will begin with the plains of Amorak. I have heard tell of travelers disappearing in said plains. Very perculiar.

The fifty-seventh day of the year, seventh day of Horad. 7909

After a week of exploring through the plains of Amorak, I found a perculiar specimen playing in a small patch of sand. It being a small creature, I almost missed it. About the size of a rat, it's fox-like pelt is perfect for blending in with the moss of the area. When it sees me, it arches it's back like a cat.